Join Us

Membership rates are as follows:

Individual £15, Joint £25, Corporate £50, Life member £350
Free membership for students under 25 years or in full-time apprenticeships (join by form)

Join by form

To join, please complete the form and send it with the appropriate payment to:
WHGT, 37, Romilly Rd, Cardiff, CF5 1FJ
Tel: 07716 801838

Payment can be made by BACS - account details are given under renewal below.

Join using PayPal

If you are joining with PayPal, or making a one-off donation, and would like us to collect Gift Aid on your payment, please download the Gift Aid declaration. (Apologies, the Gift Aid Declaration is not currently available).
Please send the completed declaration to WHGT, 37, Romilly Rd, Cardiff, CF5 1FJ
WHGT is a registered charity and can claim a tax refund on subscriptions as well as donations.

Donate to the WHGT

You can also help the WHGT by making a donation.

WHGT is a registered Charity. If you are a UK tax payer WHGT will be able to claim gift aid on your donation. Please download the Gift Aid form and send it completed to WHGT, 37, Romilly Rd, Cardiff, CF5 1FJ. (Apologies, the Gift Aid Declaration is not currently available).

Renew your subscription

You can renew your subscription using Paypal

You can also renew by BACS:

  • Account Name: Welsh Historic Gardens Trust
  • Sort code:         20-18-54
  • Account Number: 50920959

Please put your membership number and surname in the narrative/reference space when making a payment.